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Guess what came in the mail todaaaaayyyyy!

Thusly, a half hour later, my very own, first ever NYC black and whites, with extra lime zest, making me feel better about having no vegan bakery in this city.  Something to remedy someday, but for to-day… I couldn’t be happier!  I’d seriously run out of cookie recipes in the books I had already, which you might believe at the rate that I make them, and that was stumping me all over the place.  
I’m thinking PB blondies and Irish Whiskey Cremes next.  Somebody hide the sugar from me!
Super Closeup Time ::: one of my favourite buttons, it says Fruit Spirit, kawaii kawaii.  :O
These are the best scones in existence.  Or they were, at least, while they still existed.  Seriously, mega delicate fairy eats, full of spices and almond, not sweet but buttery.  I used strawberries and plums and lemon juice instead of blackberries and orange and it was perfection, Emilie is a total genius with this kind of stuff, which I hardly need to say, but it’s true.

I curled up with them listening to Joanna Newsom on vinyl.  My roommate is so smart, she set up her record player behind the fridge, so we can listen to crackling guitars and also 80’s everything while we work!  I like nestling myself against the oven waiting for the timer to go off, and now it’s even better cause I can sing along to Bowie.

That’s her making pizza.  I love this photo. :)

This is one of those I can’t beLIEVE I didn’t write down what was inside these, mostly because I want to share it, not because I can’t probably make them again because I can, but they won’t be exactly the same and gosh knows I can’t recall the exact spices but I think there was cloves in there kind of dishes.  Yummy little nubbins!

+ leftover rice
+ tahini
+ tamari
+ chopped apricots
+ ground almonds
+ ras el hanout
+ tomato paste
+ bread crumbs to roll in
but beyond that I haven’t a clue, oh well.  The sauce they’re sitting in is required, too, in this imaginary recipe, but thankfully is probably just your favourite blended roasted yellow pepper sauce with a lot of cracked toasted coriander added into it.

146 recipes down, only 104 left to go…

Yes I’m still on this Veganomicon quest, why do you ask?
Of course I started before that Julie & Julia movie.  Way before!
(psst, the Curried Udon Stir Fry is mouth-crack, couldn’t believe it took me that long to make it)
(pssssst, of course this post was posted on the 8th.  Why… do you ask?  ^_^;)

Really really really short post today.  (One can only ignore essays for so long).

I bought some fresh jujube dates yesterday.  Not like the little shrivelly things that come in the medicinal chinese soup packets (which are awesome, but different), no… more like crisp quince/apple-texture and date-flavour.  With a little olive-stone inside.  PLUS, resemblance to dinosaur eggs!  Neat.

That’s all.
Oh, except that I bought more nut butter.  mmmmmmmmmmmmm nuttery buttery.  It’s gonna be spice cake icing for this weekend, Thanksgiving.


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